As my mother got sick and later on passed away I found myself lost, overwhelmed, depressed,
gaining weight and without hope. My business was crumbling away and I wintessed all my
hard work washing down the drain. When LeAnne asked how I was doing, and I mean she
really asked, she held my hand and didnot allow me to wiggle away with “I am fine”. I broke
down in front of her in the middle of my studio and cried. It felt as gate opened up, and I
couldn’t hold it anymore. A couple of weeks later I sat with her for a session. I had no
expectations, I had never got “help” before. We started slow. She assesed my situation, asked
questions, listened and opened herself to my story. The first few times I saw her I could not
talk. I cried and felt absolutley overwhelmed. But she kept “holding” me as a mother holds her
baby to take their first step. Slowly I became aware of who I am and who I want to be and
where is my potential. I became a new person, a person I always wanted to be. Every time I talk
with her it’s like an energy pill. I feel motivated, empowered and proud of myself, something
I never thought I would feel. It is not only feelings, it shows in my business as well. I took
control of it, I’m growing it and meeting my goals. LeAnne’s coaching is not wishy-washy; it
gave me tangible tools and measurable goals. I cannot imagine bettering myself
without her help. Please check her out, reach out to her. Don’t wait another day being person
you do not want to be. You won’t regret it.