Where You Can Find LeAnne Parsons

The Time is now… Life, Leadership, & *Relationship Restoration Coaching! Are you experiencing COR.E Well Being? Let’s talk about it!

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I’m ready

Do you walk your talk? Say what you mean and mean what you say? Or does your language take you down roads you’re not willing to follow? Taking a closer look at how your words and deeds connect – or don’t – can help you see where you really stand.

If you’re not where you wanted to be, you may be wondering why. There are lots of reasons why we get derailed from our intentions. Sometimes we make a too-ambitious plan we simply don’t have the skills or energy to execute. Sometimes we find ourselves facing emotional roadblocks that we don’t know how to get through, so we run out of steam. But often, the forward movement comes to a screeching halt because we simply don’t keep our word to ourselves. We make promises (“Tomorrow I’ll get up early and go to the gym”), and then break them (“Awww, it’s raining, I think I’ll stay in bed. I’ll go to the gym on my way home”) – often for reasons we don’t even understand. Which brings me to what might be an uncomfortable question: How good are you to your word? How well are you living your values?

Do you Walk your Talk? Do you DO what you SAY you will do? Are you walking in integrity to yourself and with others? Let’s explore this together!

Start Walking Your Talk!

Coaching is available to anyone in any time zone as most coaching sessions are done by Phone or Skype to respect time, money and the environment.

Personalized packages are available so please provide me with the details regarding your particular situation so we can co-design a plan that works for you.

Call Today: 505-412-1817

Email: legacynowlived@gmail.com

You can email LeAnne at legacynowlived@gmail.com or use the contact form or you can connect with LeAnne on TwitterFacebookGoogle Plus,  Pinterest or LinkedIn.

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