Esthetician Coaching/Mastermind Group Registration is NOW OPEN!!!
What is a Mastermind Group?
The coordination of knowledge and effort of 2 or more people who work toward a definite purpose in the spirit of unity, not uniformity!
“No two minds ever come together without then creating a third, invisible, intangible force, which may be likened to a third mind… The Mastermind.” ~ Napoleon Hill
About The Esthetician Mastermind
Thank you for your interest in our Esthetician Mastermind Tele-Coaching Group! This program has been uniquely created for the Esthetician community.
There will be participants from several different areas in the US and perhaps beyond. All groups are confidential, safe, and individually focused. A desire to and commitment to complete the entire 6-session program, as well as a confidentiality agreement is required and must be made by each participant.
We are a dedicated, committed group of estheticians who inspire and challenge each other to reach and exceed our personal and professional goals. We will support each other’s journey, explore, evaluate and learn. We will hold each other accountable. Our ideas and resources are shared throughout the group without restraint and in honest and genuine support of the endeavors of each member. To sustain forward motion, all members must be committed to the effort to grow and call each other onward and upward.
What can you get from this group? WIIFY!
- Brainstorming opportunities
- Answers
- Tips
- Ideas
- Increased professional and personal confidence
- Accountability-Personally and Professionally
Our Definite Purpose:
Real Progress!
- Results
- Support
- Connection with other industry professionals
- Professional coaching
- Shared learning through masterminding
- Extended support and interaction through a private Facebook group
Your Responsibility:
- Commit
- Engage
- Control Your Mental Attitude
- Be Present
- Be Kind
- Be Supportive
What is Coaching?
The International Coaching Federation (ICF) defines coaching as: Partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.
Coaching can help you identify areas in your business and career that may be holding you back from achieving your ultimate goals. These inner and outer blocks can impact your confidence to charge what you are worth, deal with difficult clients and situations, unknowingly limit your income and business growth, plus much more. Some of the most successful professionals utilize the help of a coach to maximize their results. And now you can too!
LeAnne brings a unique empowered experience to each group she leads. Her processes are refreshing, the goals are achievable, and practical, and the delivery of material is impactful!
The Esthetician Mastermind Guidelines Overview:
Participants must be willing to commit to the entire 6 week program, and will be given the opportunity to opt out after the first meeting if they feel that it is not for them (there will be some flexibility offered for certain emergencies however, because we build each week on the skills, this group works best when participating consistently and has its highest degree of efficacy when participants commit to showing up for the entire program. Members are expected to arrive on time to all meetings, and remain until the session is complete. If you are unable to make a session, please email Cathy at 24 hours in advance.
This is a safe community built on a foundation of trust and respect. Everything discussed during a mastermind session is to remain private. Criticism should be constructive, thoughtful and positive. All members are expected to contribute and participate equally in both receiving and adding value.
Negative people will be subjected to an apricot facial scrub.
Members can expect to be asked to leave the group if they violate the trust of the group or act in a way that hurts the group, or any of its members and any fees or tuition paid will be forfeit.
Meet your Mastermind Group Hosts
Cathy Dye is an esthetician licensed to practice in CA and NM with 23 years in the beauty industry. Her skin center programs include targeted skin care products, cutting edge treatments, lifestyle coaching, and nutritional supplementation to help her clients achieve their goals. She is also an inventor, mentor, wife, and mother.
LeAnne Parsons is a Certified and Credentialed Professional Leadership/Wellbeing Coach, Speaker, Radio Host, Mastermind Facilitator, Licensed Cosmetologist (over 25 years) Small Business Owner and Professional Educator. LeAnne is committed to individuals who wish to create health, balance, and core wellbeing in every aspect of their life- physical, social, emotional, professional, financial, mental and spiritual. Together we ultimately experience peace and ease, wholeness and security!
Coaching/Mastermind Group Details:
Six 1-hour teleconference calls followed by 15 minutes of additional Q & A (Please note the first teleconference call will be closer to 90 minutes with the Q & A). Also included for each member is a 30 minute, private strategy wrap up session with LeAnne.
Meeting Times: Mondays at 1:00 PM Mountain Time (2:00 PM Central).
Session Dates: 8-22-16, 8-28-16, 9-12-16, 9-19-16, 9-26-16, 10-3-16
Registration and Payment:
All monies will be collected in full prior to the start of the program. You may submit payment via credit card in the amount of $149.00 per participant. This is an amazing opportunity to receive 8+ hours of training with a professional coach plus masterminding with other industry professionals in a highly focused and effective group. Please email LeAnne Parsons at: to register. Include your contact information and she will contact you to arrange payment.
Feel free to email me if you have questions! 505-412-1817